Today would be the publishing of the thirteenth ( penultimate! ) sonnet of this crown which I’ll arrogantly call “Work in Progress” and began here.
This second-to-the-last poem of the crown is perhaps the best poem of the series, and if you have been paying close attention to the movements of this series, you will begin to see things coalesce toward a return, a begin-again, as it were.
That poem, however, will not be here this week. Instead, it will appear on Wednesday, February 8th, on the Soaring Twenties Social Club newsletter.
What is the Soaring Twenties Social Club? Begun by the adroit and fiendish Thomas J. Bevan ( whose own work is worth the read, my favorite piece has to do with a pier ), he has gathered under one fold a group of online artists — writers, poets, photographers, painters, podcasters — into a sort of collective that publish and argue and send memes to each other, in a cult-like way, where Tom is the leader.
The STSC published a “best of” the work of these artists, which is a good primer to checkout the work there:
Previously the STSC has published our work under a weekend Omnibus, with a once-a-month themed newsletter, called the Symposium ( this month’s is on Beginnings ); this is changing, however, and the STSC newsletter will feature new work from its members three times a week. This has begun about a week ago, and my poem, “Let the good guise, somma ship of virtu sink” will appear on the 8th, this Wednesday. I will publish it here the following Monday, but I am taking this moment to recommend the newsletter to you, and hope that you will share it with others.
Some posts from writers that are in the STSC. I won’t spend time prefacing the work, just that these are posts I’ve enjoyed and perhaps one or two you will as well.
None of those worked for you? Follow the Soaring Twenties Social Club and you will find more.
Thanks for the shout-out James!