Resting at a milestone
Last week I published my fiftieth sonnet in this series, and up to the moment it was published I doubted whether I wanted to publish it or not. I worried about how esoteric it was becoming, being the third poem in a crown of sonnets that starts with sonnet number forty-eight. I’m really interested to see where this crown is going ( and I hope you are too ), but I’m also worried that to push it out to meet a deadline will stunt the project.
Compound this with our first family outbreak of COVID last week, where Jessica and I kept on working and parenting, each taking a break to fall ill, and a nice three week hiatus from publishing sounds just great.
My plan is to continue writing into this crown, hopefully enough to have an outline for the next eleven points, and publish a couple guest poems in the next three weeks. Sonnet fifty-one should arrive in your inbox on June 12th.
Meanwhile, submissions!
In the meantime, I’m very excited to see submissions coming in from all walks of life, and hope that you readers will share this post and other poems and let others know about the opportunities for contributing.
Enjoy your well-deserved--and no doubt needed!--break.