Sitemap - 2021 - And Now, A Sonnet
Available bauble be the fragment not the day
Travis, roused from the couch to chase his sentence.
You relaxed at the greenwash theater for days
Tobacky-fingered codger you stained & strained spook
Meta is the language my cats write in their eyes
Telamonian Ajax! TelaMONian A-JAX! Did you — did you !?!
Much of the world composed of the making that I
The campground closed for the season. The gate was shut.
It was on the day our marriage turned ten
The wet sand wrote euphemisms to catch pretty girls
It could have been, I mean, it happened once
But I never met a Texan I didn't like : although
Then there's uncle Dick and the garlic press he gave
We rummaged the yard sales & antique shops for you
Sometimes I wake with a perfect blank like there is
We focus on a nitro green patio where vogues
Oh Britney, what became of the lonesome hallway
There is no shortage of American flags. In Vernal,
His gold chain dazzled my inclinations. It lay
When a cabbie driver from Queens starts pontificating
Fathers of America — go get that vasectomy!
In liver gravy Bloom mashed mashed potatoes is
Pour one out for Brian Doyle, the patron saint
Instead of piecing the puzzle together he left it
It was instead of piecing the puzzle together he
Even a jury of his peers chanting guilty won't keep
Pity them the prostrate stewards of our nation
She whacks my mop into a soldier's cut and says
You say it's nothing, but it's not nothing
I'd kiss you if I could. Full on the lips instead
Before the sweet peas sprout there is at stake
Are you just a typical dude that loves barbecue sauce