Still hard at work finishing up the last three poems of my sonnet crown. I thought since this day is technically one of my days off, but I haven’t posted poetry in a bit, I’d set up a POSTED post, where I can repost an old favorite.
This one I wrote while driving down the Olympic peninsula last January. It was one of those midwinter days in the GPNW that went between storms to blue skies, and in between the sun glared off the wet asphalt to make some haphazard driving. It stuck with me, enough to write this poem the next day:
Do you know that I’m always happy to publish sonnets written by other poets? If you happen to have one you like, you’ll find a small but significant audience here. Check out this post for guidelines.
Love this one. The scenery is gripping. But what does the lady want?
What a strikingly accurate evocation of the Olympic Peninsula, mossy towns, oyster shuckers, topless bars and all. I lived in the PNW for many years and visit whenever possible.